Hello guys
Today, we are going to learn consonants of Korean. What's consonant? Well, they are like alphabets of Korean which cannot make any syllable without combining with vowels. Like all alphabets in English except A, E, I, O, U. Those consonants have to be combined with at least one of vowel to make a syllable.
There are 14 consonants. ...Not many huh?
Ok, let's start it from the first one, ㄱ [gi-yeok]
This consonant is called 기역 [gi-yeok] and its pronunciation is like [g] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end, its pronunciation is like [-k].
Note, you don't have to memorize all of those words below for now. But let's just try to read romanized Korean words in square brackets.
Words starting with ㄱ
가방 [ga bang] : bag
그림 [geu rim] : painting
감자 [gam ja] : potato
감사합니다 [gam sa ham ni da] : Thank you
The second one is called 니은 [ni-eun] and its pronunciation is like [n] whenever it comes to the first or the end.
Words starting with ㄴ
나비 [na bi] : butterfly
누나 [nu na] : (boy's) older sister
나라 [na ra] : country
남자 [nam ja] : man (male)
The third one is called 디귿 [di-geut] and its pronunciation is like [d] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end, it sounds like [-t].
Words starting with ㄷ
다리 [da ri] : leg
도둑 [do dook] : theft
두부 [du bu] : tofu
당근 [dang geun] : carrot
The forth one is called 리을 [ri-eul] and its pronunciation is like [l] or weak [r] when it comes to the first.
Actually in Korea, we don't have R sound. So it is more closer to L sound.
When it comes to the end, it sounds like [-ll]. Just like "ball"
Words starting with ㄹ
라면 [la myeon] : ramen
레몬 [le mon] : lemon
리본 [li bon] : ribbon
로봇 [lo bot] : robot
The fifth one is called 미음 [mi-eum] and its pronunciation is like [m]
Words starting with ㅁ
마음 [ma eum] : emotion, mind
미국 [mi gook] : USA
머리 [meo ri] : head, hair
미안합니다 [mi an ham ni da] : I'm sorry
The sixth one is called 비읍 [bi-eup] and its pronunciation is like [b] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end, it sounds like [-p] or strong [-b]
Words starting with ㅂ
바나나 [ba na na] : banana
보물 [bo mull] : treasure
비누 [bi nu] : soap
반지 [ban ji] : ring
The seventh one is called 시옷 [si-ot] and its pronunciation is like [s] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end it sounds like [-t]
Words starting with ㅅ
사람 [sa ram] : person
사랑 [sa rang] : love
수도 [su do] : capital city
손님 [son nim] : guest, costomer
The eighth one is called 이응 [i-eung] and it does not have any sound when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end, it sounds like [-ng]. Just like when you say "sing" or "bang"
Words starting with ㅇ
아빠 [a bba] : dad
엄마 [eom ma] : mom
안녕하세요 [an nyeong ha se yo] : hello
우산 [u san] : umbrella
The ninth one is called 지읒 [ji-eut] and its pronunciation is like [j] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end, it sounds like [-t].
Words starting with ㅈ
자리 [ja ri] : seat
중국 [joong gook] : China
종 [jong] : bell/servant
주부 [ju bu] : housewife
The tenth one is called 치읓 [chi-eut] and its pronunciation is like [ch] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end, it sounds like [-t]
Words starting with ㅊ
차 [cha] : car/tea
처음 [cheo eum] : first time
초콜릿 [cho coll lit] : chocolate
체육 [che yook] : physical education, sports
The eleventh one is called 키읔 [ki-euk] and its pronunciation is like [k]
Words starting with ㅋ
키위 [ki wee] : kiwifruit
카펫 [ka pet] : carpet
코 [ko] : nose
커피 [keo pi] : coffee
The twelfth one is called 티읕 [ti-eut] and its pronunciation is like [t]
Words starting with ㅌ
타조 [ta jo] : ostrich
토요일 [to yo ill] : Saturday
태국 [tae gook] : Thailand
The thirteenth one is called 피읖 [pi-eup] and its pronunciation is like [p]
Words starting with ㅍ
파도 [pa do] : wave
포도 [po do] : grapes
필리핀 [pil li pin] : Philippines
피망 [pi mang] : capsicum
The fourteenth one is called 히읗 [hi-eut] and its pronunciation is like [h] when it comes to the first.
When it comes to the end it sounds like [-t]
Words starting with ㅎ
하마 [ha ma] : hippo
호주 [ho ju] : Austraila
학생 [hak saeng] : student
학교 [hak gyo] : school
Now we can pronounce Korean consonants with this YouTube clip!
Please repeat as you go.
That's all for today's lecture!
Thank you guys and see you next time!
Oh, and here is my little present. If you want to study these basic consonants in your spare time, download below and print out :)
Hope you enjoy!