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[Amazon] DualShock 4 PlayStation 4 듀얼쇼크4 아마존 직구 $38.99 직배송 가능

듀얼쇼크4 레드 빨강 아마존 직구

플레이스테이션 4 컨트롤러 듀얼쇼크4가 저렴한 가격에 나왔습니다. 

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6가지 컬러 전부 같은 가격이고 월마트랑 같은 가격입니다. 

PC에서도 추가적인 드라이버 설치 없이 유선, 무선(블루투스) 전부 사용 가능합니다. 


The DualShock 4 Wireless Controller features familiar controls, and incorporates several innovative features to usher in a new era of interactive experiences. Its definitive analog sticks and trigger buttons have been improved for greater feel and sensitivity. A multi-touch, clickable touch pad expands gameplay possibilities, while the incorporated light bar in conjunction with the PlayStation Camera allows for easy player identification and screen adjustment when playing with friends in the same room. The addition of the Share button makes utilizing the social capabilities of the PlayStation 4 as easy as the push of a button. The DualShock 4 Wireless Controller is more than a controller; it's your physical connection to a new era of gaming.

The feel, shape, and sensitivity of the dual analog sticks and trigger buttons have been improved to provide a greater sense of control, no matter what you play

The new multi-touch and clickable touch pad on the face of the DualShock 4 Wireless Controller opens up worlds of new gameplay possibilities for both newcomers and veteran gamers

The DualShock 4 Wireless Controller features a built-in speaker and stereo headset jack, putting several new audio options in the player's hands

